One thing I often use metaclasses for is removing boilerplate from class definitions. For example, if I have a group of functions which I want to all handle a particular error condition in the same way, I might write a metaclass like this:
def logAndContinue(f):
def doit(*a, **kw):
try: return f(*a, **kw)
except: log.err()
return doit
class ErrorLoggingType(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
for (fname, func) in attrs.items():
attrs[fname] = logAndContinue(func)
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
class Errorful(object):
__metaclass__ = ErrorLoggingType
def error(self): 1/0
This is almost always up to the task, but last night I discovered a case where it didn’t do all I wanted. The problem arose from the fact that, in a traceback, Python uses the code object’s name, not the function object’s name. In the above example, this would result in “doit” showing up in the traceback, instead of “error”. So, I hacked up the following to get a code object with the name I wanted:
def formatArgs((args, varargs, kwargs, defaults)):
if defaults is None:
argString = ', '.join(args)
namespace = {}
argString = ', '.join(args[:-len(defaults)])
defaultArgs = zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults)
dfltString = ['%s=%s' % (a, a) for (a, v) in defaultArgs]
defaultArgString = ', '.join(dfltString)
if argString:
argString += ', ' + defaultArgString
argString = defaultArgString
namespace = dict(defaultargs)
if varargs:
argString += ', *' + varargs
if kwargs:
argString += ', **' + kwargs
return argString, namespace
def _abcMethod(name, func):
s = "def %s(%s): raise NotImplementedError\n"
argspec, namespace = formatArgs(inspect.getargspec(func))
s = s % (name, argspec)
exec s in namespace
return namespace.pop(name)
As is hinted by the function “_abcMethod”, I used this to generate functions for a generated Abstract Base Class version of a defined Interface. Since the only thing these functions do is raise an exception, it was somewhat more important than usual to have their names be correct.
could be replaced by a call to new.code
, but because new.code
takes 14 arguments, I don’t think the code would be any simpler ;)